Fireplace Inspiration

Last week we talked about how installing wood floors in our house will affect so many other things. One of those is our fireplace. So today I thought I would share some fireplace inspiration. We really have to be thinking about all of these things before we start the floor project!

Our Corner of the World Blog | Fireplace Inspiration - via Cape Cod Collegiate
Via Cape Cod Collegiate

Above: I like that it’s painted dark with some added molding. I think a dark fireplace could really liven up our completely beige room. I think adding molding of any color would make a big difference in making the fireplace more grand and the room feel more grounded. I’d really like to bring the room down so it feels cozier and less like we’re in a deep hole.

Our Corner of the World Blog | Fireplace Inspiration - Via The Curated House
Via The Curated House

Above: I like the tile. I don’t think it would go out of style and it would tie in nicely with our mudroom tile.

Photo Apr 25, 6 18 26 AM.jpg

Above: I absolutely love the large smooth tiles. That is what I really want if possible. I have a feeling it would be really expensive.

Our Corner of the World Blog | Fireplace Inspiration = via Satori Design for Living
via Satori Design for Living

Above: I love the clean lines. I would like to get rid of the grooved molding on the sides of our current fireplace for something sleeker like this.

Our Corner of the World Blog | Fireplace Inspiration - via The Rafterhouse
Via Rafterhouse  

Above: Another option I would really like it painted white brick. So the above but painted white and not as tall.

Which one is your favorite? I would love to take different elements from each one. Right now, we really just need to worry about what will replace our current tile. The moldings can happen over time. I’ll be back next week with a couple of posts, and the 1st anniversary of Our Corner of the World!!


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