We made some great progress during week 4 of the One Room Challenge. We are still working on the fireplace. It’s one of those projects that was hard to predict time and cost. It’s proving to be a bigger project in both respects, but we are getting closer!!! Unfortunately, the pictures will not do justice to the amount of work that was put in this week. This past Saturday, Parker spent 12 straight hours putting mortar on the brick!!! So the mortar is done and now he is working on finishing all of the wood that goes on top of the MDF.

The plan is to be done with it by Sunday, but I am not convinced that is going to happen. We have family pictures and a birthday celebration on Friday, and our son is getting baptized on Saturday, so we’ll see! I talked to 3 painters this week. Two quotes have come in, and they are pretty far apart on what they are going to charge. I’ll be interested to see how the 3rd one comes in. They are also suggesting different paint products, so it’s hard to know who to choose! One of them is definitely out because its just too expensive. I HAVE decided on the white paint. We are going to go ahead with SW Alabaster just like the mudroom. I really like it in there. My only worry was that it was going to bother me that it was quite a bit more off white than our actual windows, and we do plan to case out the windows at some point. However, I’ve made it a point to check out a few other people’s homes while I was there to see if their white casings were matchy with their windows. The casings were definitely more off white than the windows, and I had never noticed before. And I thought it looked good. So I am happy that I have that decision figured out!!! Except I just remembered that we also have the white tile in the bathroom to contend with. I bet it will be ok. And if not, maybe we could change whites just for that room. I’m also realizing that this means we will have to paint our doors because they are currently SW Extra White. But that white is just a little boring. Maybe “unfinished” looking or one-dimensional. I don’t know how else to explain it. I just don’t want the fireplace to be glaringly white. I want it to be a calming white feature. I think Alabaster is the way to go. We can paint doors when we are bored 😉 There’s really only 5 doors on the first floor anyway. Phew. Still good with my decision. Pardon my stream of consciousness.
In other news:
The new and correct floors got delivered today (Thursday). I’m very glad we held out for the correct thing instead of taking a discount on the wrong floors. I think they are going to be so pretty! I’m hoping that even though they won’t be done by the end of 6 weeks, you’ll come back and check them out. I’m excited for how different this first floor will feel with the fireplace feature and new flooring!
So come on back next week and I hope you will see a fireplace completely ready for paint. And hopefully we will have picked a painter. After that, we will lay the tile in the bathroom. And then we are ready to lay the floors!!! Lots still to come! Check out the sidebar if you want to see the previous 3 weeks.