A few weekends ago we attended the Indianapolis Home Show. We went just for fun, really. The highlights for me were the landscape/hardscape vendors and the show home that they construct in the Exhibition Hall of the state fair grounds.
I really liked the show home – both the architecture and the interior design. The show home was built by Fischer Homes and they teamed up with Touch of Class interior designer Joy Perkins. Here were our favorite parts and our take-aways:
Sorry for the blurry photo. These are phone photos, and we also had two kids with us who were ready to go home. This shows you how they built a house in a building. I liked the painted brick, the color scheme, and the copper roof of the porch. I think those are decorative rain gutters on the front. I’ve never seen that before, but I think it looks nice. I could also be totally wrong.A view of the master bedroom ceiling from the outside. I thought it was unique – in a good way.The outdoor area was done by Calvin Landscape. The pool provided us with some fun jokes about why someone would want such a large pool that was only a foot deep. Parker also liked to continually ask me why they didn’t put a basement in the house. I think he was joking.Great ceiling, great light fixture, great colors.Love the idea of a bar in the office. Very Mad Men. Just make sure to only take style cues from Mad Men and not life cues. I like it because it allows the office to pull double duty. This is right inside the front door, so if you are having a party, your guests could grab a drink upon entry. Also, if you are having a large party, it gives guests another place to congregate besides the kitchen and living room. You could also just stock the fridge with pop or water and offer it to “clients” if you work from home.
Take note of the different window casing colors. I love windows with black mullions and have wondered if we could get that effect by adding black window casings in certain rooms. This shows me its possible to do different casing colors in different rooms.
I like the black and gray cabinets a lot. Also a great large island and light fixture. I really like the wood beams, as well. Wood beams can go with so many different styles and add a lot of character.This is different, but kind of brilliant. You get the look of a rug, but you don’t have to worry about spilling food on the rug. Rugs don’t seem that practical under a table if there are kids in the house.Another cool ceiling. Parker is dying to do something to our dining room ceiling. I keep telling him that’s “icing.” There are many other things that take precedence to that in my mind.A TV above the bathtub. I would never see Parker again. Hahaha! (I had to include this for my work friends)I love this! Such a great twist on a gallery wall. Not exactly sure how this is done. I will look into it. I’d love to try this somewhere.Wallpapered ceiling. I like it.
I really enjoyed the house tour. I thought it was really well decorated and a different style than you see in a lot of model homes and show homes. Going to these events is one of our favorite things to do. And surprisingly, our kids don’t seem to mind it. In fact, our oldest (5 years old) even seems to enjoy it! She still talks about a bedroom we saw in a house last summer. You can get so many ideas, and its just fun to look at pretty things.
You can expect more of these types of posts. We will definitely hit up the Home-A-Rama this summer, and there are also awesome home tours in some of the great old neighborhoods in Indianapolis that we have been to a few times.
We’d love to hear what you think about the house or if you have any good suggestions on other home tours we should attend relatively close to Indianapolis.
I hope you enjoyed the pictures of the kitchen renovation at our first house! Now let’s talk about our current house. We have so many ideas for this house. Like I mentioned in my first post, we built the house. However, it was not custom, and our budget prevented us from doing everything we wanted.… Read More
Follow my blog with Bloglovin Our first house was built in 1956. When Parker moved in, you could tell. It was a very well kept house and was clean and structurally sound, but it definitely needed some updating! Parker had big plans for a kitchen renovation. As I am known to do, I tried to… Read More
About four years ago, we moved from our corner home in a city neighborhood to our corner home in the suburbs. Plus, Parker grew up on a corner, so there’s that. We loved our first house, and put a lot of love into fixing it up (I hope to share some of that here). Once… Read More